Peace Lutheran Church

Come Worship

We invite you to join us for Worship at 10:00AM Sunday mornings.

A welcome from our Pastor

We invite you to join us for Worship at 10:00AM Sunday mornings.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered every Sunday. Following worship please “make yourself at home” for a time of coffee and fellowship. Sunday School for children Age 3 through 6th Grade is at 9:00AM through the end of April this year.​

​We are located at the north end of town at 1700 5th Ave. NE (Just North of Ruger Park & the Devils Lake Water Tower)

Our Faith

We confess the apostolic faith in Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures. We affirm the authority of the Scriptures as the authoritative source and norm, “according to which all doctrines should and must be judged” (Formula of Concord). We accept the…

Our Values

Peace Lutheran is a church family committed to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.  In keeping with the Lutheran Confessions, we believe all doctrines should and must be judged by the teaching of Scripture and we embrace…

Church isn't something you attend...

it’s a family to which you belong.

Find Us & Come Worship